Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I tried to look at the Technorati screencast, but it seemed to get stuck while downloading.
So I read the extensive birthday update at the bottom of the page.

I tried some searche

First I searched for tarastotle. This is the name my daughter Tara uses for her blog and email. There were no results for tarastotle, but the blog tab did have one result: the right one.
When I did a search on “the other elizabeth,” there were zillions of results. Librarytoys, the name of my blog, was much more productive.

Interestingly, it says there are 2 blogs about librarytoys, even though there is just the one: mine. It shows my latest posts. How scary.

Of course, you don’t really want to search Technorati this way. If I want to get to Librarytoys or tarastotle, there are better ways.

I got results searching on the model name of my sewing machine, though. And searches on autoharp also brought up blog entries that mentioned autoharp.

I decided not to “claim” my blog or set up a watchlist. I see how it’s done, but … I did tag my Wiki Sandbox post with mdlearn2 and ping Technorati. When I did a search on mdlearn2 in technorati, I got only one result.
Was Erin in Carroll County the only other person to tag her blog?
Why didn’t my blog come up?
I had pinged Technorati, so it should have been aware of my blog, shouldn’t it?

1 comment:

The Other Elizabeth said...

More results magically showed up later(and the count changed). I guess if you were going to use this search facility, you'd want to make sure you allowed enough time.